Become A Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels
Friend ($100)
Business name listed on sponsor page of the MIHS Marching Band website, in all concert programs throughout the year, and in the Space Coast Island Classic Marching Band Festival program.
Supporter ($500)
All of the benefits of Friend sponsorship. Plus advertisement and public announcement in the Space Coast Island Classic Marching Band Festival program, sponsorship listing in weekly notes to all band parents/members/active alumni, and Facebook shoutout.
Patron ($1,000)
All of the benefits of Supporter sponsorship. Plus sponsorships are announced before all band performances at home varsity football games and company advertisement placed on the MIHS band trailer.
Section Leader ($2,500)
All of the benefits of Patron sponsorship. Plus. VIP seating for four at Space Coast Island Classic Marching Competition, display of business banners on drum major podium, and appreciation plaque with photo of the band.
Director’s Circle ($5,000)
All of the benefits of Section Leader sponsorship. Plus, opportunity to conduct the band, business name on show shirts, and a spirit night/performance at sponsoring business (marching band, jazz band or wind ensemble)