November 26, 2017
We have been selected to volunteer at the Space Half and Full Marathon this year and will receive a donation to our band program! You can help by either signing up to volunteer or participating in the event. The bigger the race the bigger the support! This year they offer the option of a marathon relay, so while the half marathon is sold out - there are still slots available in the relay! Hope to see you either on the race course or on the sidelines cheering on the runners!
Mustang BINGO Night!
February 2018
Our very popular and FUN BINGO night is back! Looking for some adult time? Want to have fun? Maybe even win some money... Get ready for a FUN night out playing BINGO. Gather your friends and make it a group event, the more the merrier. No cost to get in, BINGO is $1.00 per card and you can play more than one card per game. So bring your $1's and get ready to yell BINGO!!!
There will also be a 50/50 raffle, Silent Auction with some great prizes and a delicious dessert table where you can purchase yummy baked goods.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase as well as a cash bar.
18 and over are welcome.
All funds raised from this event go to support the MIHS Marching Mustangs!!!
March 18, 2018
Live Your Legend, Find Your Glory, and Join the Quest for Excalibur.
We are very excited to announce that we have been selected as the Beneficiary of the the 2018 Ruby Challenge Excalibur Race. We will need students and parents to volunteer the week prior to the race and on race day. In addition, please spread the word about this amazing race (part of a 4 Year Quest to Earn the Holy Chalice). There is a race level for everyone, whether you run the 10 miler, team up with a partner for the 10 mile relay or take on the 2 mile Dragon Slayer - everyone in the family can conquer this challenge.

Drum Drop

Cooke Dough Fundraiser
Did you know that our band membership is over 100 students? Your fundraising committee is hard at work planning several exciting projects to keep up with the very real needs of an ever expanding Marching Mustangs. It will require the efforts of our entire “band family” to insure that each of these musicians has music, instruments, uniforms, etc., and we encourage you to stay informed as our menu of fundraising opportunities takes shape to choose the ways that you could best serve. Projects such as these are an integral part of band life, and many hands make for light work!
Why do we need to fundraise and how is the money used?
The band program spends money throughout the year:
Having guest clinicians during band camp and throughout the year
Marching band drill
Buying music that we play during marching season and concert season
Renting a moving van for each away game, paying for tolls and gasoline
Entry fees to festivals
Scholarships for a limited number of students
Maintaining school-owned instruments
Purchasing school-owned instruments
Renting a space for band banquet and catering
Purchasing colorguard equipment